Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Next Step...Boston

Dear family and friends, 

I am 99% sure I will go to Boston for my next treatments.  They have a phase 1 trial that I qualify for.  I was hoping for a phase 2 or 3, but I feel encouraged about it.  It would be a pill and I would stay 5 days the first week, then go once a week for 4-5 weeks, then once a month as long as it is working.  Nurses at Massachusetts General Hospital said this is the best Dr in the country for my EGFR mutation.  They even have a Dr that specializes in the next level of my mutation which is Exon 20 insertion.  I am pleased!  I will pray more about this decision in the next days, but I am hopeful this is where the Lord wants me.  I could start within 1 week to 1 month.  Thank you for your prayers and encouraging words.  Praise God from whom all blessings flow!

In His hand and with love,
