Saturday, August 27, 2016

August Update

Dear family and friends,

I want to give you an update on my health and ask for prayer.  I had an MRI if the brain about 2 weeks ago and there are no new brain tumors.  Praise the Lord for His mercy on me.  On Tues Aug 30th, I will have a CT of my chest, abdomen, and pelvis to see if the Immune therapy I have been receiving for 6 months is working to kill the cancer. 

Please pray for healing.  If this therapy is not working, please pray for wisdom and discernment for the doctors and myself on the next step to this challenge the Lord has given me.  I also ask for prayer for courage, strength, and God's peace during this time.   I know God is good and His plan is perfect even in times of trials.  

I thank God for you and your committed prayers for my family and I.  Praise Him for His goodness, love, grace, and mercy to me.  

In His hand and with love,


Friday, August 26, 2016

Meeting the Pioneer Woman

My oldest grandson Joshua loves to cook. He hope to go to culinary school one day. Deanna decided to buy us tickets to a Vintage Market Shopping Day where the Pioneer Woman was going to speak. We surprised Joshua with a ticket. We enjoyed shopping, eating, and then meeting her. It was a fun Friday! We got her autograph too :)