Dear family and friends,
Wednesday my oncologist stopped my trial drug for 4 days because my
neuropathy was getting worse. There is a nerve in my chest that is
paralyzing my right vocal cord along with the other neuropathy symptoms
I am having. Yesterday I had a Ct of the chest, abdomen, and pelvis
earlier than scheduled because I was so weak and short of breath. The
scans did not show any reason for the weakness so the doctors believe
this is also a side effect of the trial drug. Today I am feeling a bit
better. I will start taking steroids for 6 days to help my breathing.
CT scan showed the cancer in my lungs is stable, but I now have three
metastatic lesions in my liver and one on my adrenal gland. This means
cancer growth in the abdomen which was not there before. I will not
continue with this trial drug since the side effects are great and it is
not working in all areas of my body.
have a couple of standard chemotherapy options and I can be put on a
wait list for a new trial. At this time, I hope to have a more detailed
phone conversation with my oncologist in Boston about options. Today I
talked with a "fellow".
will have a brain MRI on Friday to see if the cancer has spread any
more to the brain. Please pray for no metastatic lesions in the brain
and that God would stop the progression of this disease. Please be in
prayer over my circumstances and ask the Lord to lead and guide my
decisions. I know that God is in control and His plan is perfect even
when it doesn't seem perfect to us. We need to praise Him in the storm
for His love, kindness, grace, and mercy. Thank you for your continued
prayers, words of encouragement, love, and kindness to me. God bless
In His hand and with love,