Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Scans are back

Hello everyone, my committed and faithful prayer warriors,

I saw the doctor today and the large tumor in my right lung grew 1/3 larger than it had been.  The doctor is going to start me on a pill form of chemo that I will take daily. I will start that on Monday.  The side effects are rash with pimples, constant diarrhea (hopefully controlled with Imodium AD), and very dry skin.  The other cancer areas are stable.  I praise and thank God for that!

Please pray that the side effects will be minimal or not at all and that this drug will keep the cancer from growing.  Would you also please pray for the Lord  to confirm this is the treatment He wants me to have?  If I stop taking chemo and do nothing, all the cancer sites will start growing.  There are alternative treatments to consider, but I am apprehensive to stop chemo.

Thank you for your prayers, encouragement, and concern for me.  I am so grateful to have such wonderful support.  I thank God for all of you.  I want to honor God through this difficult journey and hope I can glorify Him in the process.

In His hand and with love for all of you,

Sue Hanson

Boston Trip with my Sisters

Monday, September 28, 2015

Sept Update

Hello everyone,

My sisters and I had a wonderful time in Maine.  Thank you for praying for safe travel and good health.

Tomorrow I will have my CT scans.  I will see the doctor and have chemo on Wed.   Please pray that the chemo will continue to maintain or shrink the cancer  my right lung and that there will not be any other signs of cancer.  I would also ask for prayer for God's peace and patience as I wait to receive the results on Wed.  
Thank you for your support, encouragement, and prayers.  It means so much to me to know I don't have to take this journey alone.  May God be glorified and honored in all I say and do. 

 In His hand,

Sue Hanson

Monday, September 7, 2015

Labor Day Update

Hello everyone,

I thought I would give you an update on what has been going on in our family.
I did not feel very good last week after chemo, but I am feeling much better this week.  I will have scans again on Sept 29th, and chemo on Sept. 30th.  My sisters and I are still planning our trip to Maine from Sept 21st to Sept 25th.  The drug that we have been praying to get approved has been approved.  It only works in 20% of lung patients.  I pray I will be in that 20% when I need the drug.  As of now, I will stay on the maintenance chemo I have been on all summer.  Thank you for praying for that drug to be approved. 

Our daughter, Carol, got the shingles last week and was in severe pain for many days.  She was 39 weeks pregnant at that time so was limited on pain medicine she could take.  This morning she had Carter Lee and he is very healthy.  Carol is feeling better, but still has pain from the shingles.  Please pray for her recovery and praise the Lord that Carter and Carol had a safe delivery.

Thank you all again for your support, encouragement, and prayers.  I am grateful for each day, family, friends, and for God's sustaining love and strength.

God bless you,
