Hello my friends and family and devoted prayer warriors,
I am
feeling much better since I had my last chemo. Some days I feel great
and other days I am tired. My sisters and a friend from Tenn. have
visited me. It was so nice to have them here. My sisters and Carol and
Rylee did some cooking for me so I could freeze some small meals.
Deanna and Caleb helped to clean when the holiday came around and the
Maids were too busy to come.
Tomorrow, I have an appointment to get
blood drawn and see the nurse practitioner. If my white blood count is
good, I will have chemo tomorrow and a neulasta shot on Friday. Please
pray that God's will be done. His timing is perfect. This should be
my last "hard" chemo. I would appreciate prayer for God's wisdom on my
treatment plan after this last "hard" chemo. I will probably have a set
of scans done 3 weeks after chemo to see how the cancer is doing.
Thank you all for your prayers, and support by way of cards, texts,
calls, messages, meals, visits, and emails. The Lord has blessed me
with someone encouraging me everyday!!! I pray that God will be
glorified in this battle I am facing. I: am still hoping for healing
since James 5:13-18 says we can ask for healing when we are sick.
May God bless each and every one of you for keeping me in your thoughts and prayers and for your encouragement.
In His hand and with love,