Thursday, April 30, 2015

Scan Results

Hello my prayer warriors, 

I have some good news and some not so good news.  The tumor in the rt lung shrunk a very little bit, and there is a cancer lesion in the left lung and left 7th rib that have shrunk.  It is good that they have shrunk, but a shock to me to find out the cancer had metastised to two other places I didn't know about.  The spot in the brain is gone.  The dr can't explain it.  He doesn't think it was cancer, but he doesn't know.  I could not have my chemo today because my blood work is to low.  It is not dangerously low, but too low for chemo.  My hemoglobin is very low.  Please pray that it will not get any lower, otherwise I will need a blood transfusion.  Please also pray for my blood to improve so I can have chemo next week.  Praise God the tumors are shrinking! 

In His hand and thank you for all of your prayers.


Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Scans today

Hello everyone,

Just a short update about my tests today.  I know so many of you were praying for me as I took my tests today.  I want to thank you so much.  God sustained me all day.  I was not anxious or nervous.  The nurse was able to leave my port accessed to be used tomorrow.  What an answer to prayer.  I just want to trust God.  I will receive results tomorrow when I see the doctor at 10:00 tomorrow before chemo.

I think about Daniel in the fiery furnace. I don't know the exact words, but he said he knew God was able to save him, but he also knew God might choose not to save him.  That is how I feel about getting my results tomorrow.  I know God is able to heal me or reduce the cancer, me but He may choose not to.  I pray I will be able to glorify God tomorrow no matter what the outcome is.

Thank you my prayer warriors for being so faithful to lift me up before the Lord.  I will let you know what the tests results are tomorrow

God bless you abundantly,


Tuesday, April 28, 2015

"Though You Slay Me" (featuring John Piper)

5th round of chemo this week

Hello everyone,

I wanted to say hello and let you know I am feeling good and preparing for my 5th round of chemo on Thurs., April 30th.  I will have a CT of the chest and an MRI of the brain on Wed. morning.  I would like to ask you to pray that the chemo is reducing or removing the cancer cells and that the spot in the brain is unchanged. I should get the results of the tests on Thurs. when I see the doctor.

My anxiety level increases when I have the MRI because of the confining space and also when the nurses access my port.  I would appreciate prayer for that also.  

The Lord is sustaining me and has blessed me with feeling good almost every day. My pastor, Pastor Tim has been going through Romans 8 and it has been an encouragement and interesting to hear how Paul writes about suffering.  

Thank you all again for your prayers for me and for all of the encouraging words you have shared with me in one way or another.  I am so grateful to have you walk this path with me.  The  Lord is using this journey to draw me closer to Him.

In His hand and lovingly,


Saturday, April 18, 2015

Praising Him for good counts

Hello my dear family and friends,

I wanted to let you know that the Lord has blessed me with a very good lab report this week.  My blood work is in the high normal range and I was given the ok to be in groups of large numbers as long as I am careful.  I am feeling very good as long as I rest every day.  I would like to have more stamina to get things done, but at least I feel very good, which is a huge blessing.

Thank you for continuing to pray for me!  I will have scans done on April 29th and see the doctor on April 30th. Please pray that the Lord will use the chemo to shrink the cancer or remove the cancer from my body.  Also, please thank and praise Him for how well I am tolerating the chemo.  I appreciate all of you so much and it is a comfort to know I am not taking this journey alone!

In His hand and with love,


Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dr. Fidias

I wanted to share with you a picture of my oncologist in Arizona.  He is a dear man who has been such a blessing to me during this journey.  His name is Dr. Fidias and is still continuing to follow up with me while I am home in Kansas City.  Can you please praise God with me for this man?  I am so thankful for where God had me when I was diagnosed and when he sent me to Dr. Fidias. 

Friday, April 10, 2015

Post-Chemo 4 treatment update

Hello my dear prayer warriors,
Today I had my 4th round of chemo at KU cancer center.  I had blood drawn, met my doctor's nurse practitioner, and had chemo.  Two of my dear friends stayed with me while I had chemo and we had a little picnic lunch together, which helped the time go by so quickly.

My blood work is up remarkably in my opinion.  My white count is up more than it has ever been since I started chemo and the white cells that were so low the first time after chemo are up from .5 to 2.5 and are now 6.3.  Praise God for such good white blood count.  My hemoglobin is down though, so please pray it will stay where it is or go up.  It is 8.1 and if if goes to 7 I will need a blood transfusion.  Also, please pray that the chemo will continue to shrink or get rid of the cancer cells.  Our God is a God of miracles.  My oncologist from Az. sent me a text today to check on me and see how I am doing.  I was very touched by his care.  He is such a kind man.  I am blessed that God  gave me the opportunity to be treated by him.

I feel good and so far no side effects again except fatigue.  I want to thank you all for your prayers, words of encouragement, cards, texts, emails, and meals.  God has richly blessed me through all of you, and I pray for Him to bless you as you continue to walk this journey with me.  May God be honored and glorified in all we say and do.  

In His hand and with love,


Thursday, April 9, 2015

Round 4 of Chemo

I was able to get my fourth round of chemo today in Kansas City.  My good friends Lora and Mary came again with me.  Gary met with the doctor with me after.  I will post more tomorrow after a nap.  Thanks!

Monday, April 6, 2015

Easter 2015

Here is a picture from our Easter celebration yesterday with my grandkids. I love them all so much.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

Chemo #4 this week

Hello my dear friends and family,

I want to wish all of you a very Happy Easter as we celebrate our risen Lord!  

I am so glad to be home and feel very good.  I need to rest every day, but otherwise the Lord has blessed me with only that side effect from chemo.  When I returned home, I had received so many cards.  I want to thank everyone who sent cards to our home and to Az.  They were so uplifting, encouraging, and supportive.  Thank you for praying for me and for thinking of me.  Also, thank you for all of the encouraging emails and texts I have received.  I am so blessed to be supported by so many.  

I will have round 4 of chemo next Thursday, April 9th.  Please pray that the chemo will continue to work on the cancer cells and that I will glorify God in everything I say and do.  God has been good to help me through some anxiety that I have had and I am grateful to Him for that.  

I hope you have a very blessed Easter.

In His hand,  

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Care Calendar

My good friend Lora has set up a care calendar for me online beginning this week.  If you are interested in providing a meal while I continue treatment, you can sign up at this website:

Calendar ID: 208278
Code: 4Sue

Thank you so much friends for supporting me through this journey.